Opentoe Peepshow #3: Dec 2, 2012

December 2012

Sunday December 2, 2012, 7-11pm
Branded Saloon, Vanderbilt Ave. and Bergen St., Brooklyn, $3-$10

Artists [performances start at 8pm *sharp*]

daniel rosza lang/levitsky is a cultural worker and agitator living in Brooklyn’s Glitter House.  Can’t stop picking things …

Notes from the Road

The last three days have been so exciting: we were in Jersey City, Baltimore and at the University of Maryland. We also got to hang out with friends in Baltimore and fulfil one of Damien’s life dreams: a VAN on …

We are the 44%!!

Day four of tour!

So far we’ve done three shows and are on our way to a fourth; by the time you read this, we’ll be 44% done tour. [Because we’re doing 9 shows this year, in solidarity with our …