Heels on Wheels Opentoe Peepshow Salon Series #1:
If the shoe fits…
Sunday Oct 7, 2012 6-9pm
Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, 53 Prospect Park West [at 1st St.], Brooklyn, NY
Featured Perfomers: Shomi Noise, Bevin Brandlandingham
Opening Perfomers: Mica Sigourney [SF], Annie Danger [SF]
Skillshare: Ivette González-Alé
Heels on Wheels is thrilled to announce a new monthly Salon Series: The Opentoe Peepshow. This event is dedicated to revealing new works by queer artists of all persuasions, with a focus on performance art and feminine-spectrum folks.
Sunday Oct 7’s all-ages event takes place in a beautiful mansion on Prospect Park West, generously shared with us by the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, which has 3-8 steps at its two entrances. The cost is $0–$10.
The skillshare will be ongoing from 6-7p as Marimacho‘s [and Queer of the Year!] Ivette González-Alé shares how to make dressing and pair wine! Performances start at 7pm sharp with visiting artists Mica Sigourney and Annie Danger, both from SF. Local features include DJ and zinester Shomi Noise and femmecee and writer Bevin Branlandingham will begin before 7:30, and there will be Q&A/feedback time afterwards until 8:45.
This series is about creating space for performers we believe in. We hope you can join us for this inaugural event!
On Sunday Oct. 7 we also recommend you check out the Lesbian Herstory Archives’ Dyke Action Machine book launch and poster show beforehand from 3-6pm, and the POC Zine Project show at Death by Audio afterwards, 8-11pm.
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