Details on our workshops are on this page. Descriptions of lectures are on this one.
Community & Politics
Confronting Femmephobia and Building Femme Power: Creating a space to examine, confront, and shift fear of femininity to celebrations of all genders and representation of femmes in your community [entire troupe]
Artivists: Artist/Activists use various strategies to shift power. Talk about what Heels on Wheels does — and what you can do! [entire troupe]
Self-Confidence & Stage Presence
Femmepowerment! How to stand like you’re six feet tall, from the stage to the street. Our workshop we like to do with young people and folks our own age, that takes the tools of stage performance and applies them to how we see ourselves, our potential, and our important voices in everyday life. [entire troupe]
Storytelling & Writing
Stories on the Fringe: LGBTQ Histories through Performance [Heather]
Media Production
DIY New Media: Creating and Maintaining a Viable Internet Presence [Damien]
Getting Your Voice Out There: No/Low-Cost Audio Recording & Sound Art for CD, Performance and Web [Damien]
Theatre Arts
Creative Strategies for Resistance: Exploring Educational Theatre Techniques
Exploring Gender & Sexuality through Educational Theatre Techniques [Heather]
Performance Composition [Heather]