Opentoe Peepshow Salon #18: Annie Danger, Sparklez, Caitlin Rose & Lazer Goese

Launching our third season at Branded Saloon on Sunday Oct 5, 7p, we have five AWESOME artists!

Facebook event here:

10504911_701911709888377_2006842385033143012_oSparklez is a versatile singer that can go from Bach to Bjork, from Purcell to original Rap. The merging of genres is where she enjoys being. No putting her into a box!  She is originally from Louisville, KY and moved to Brooklyn in late December after living in Philly for 2 years. Sparklez is a Radical Faerie and proud transgender feminist woman who enjoys politics and ranting about dismantling racisms, sexism, classism and patriarchy.
IMG_20140918_173353Luz Cruz‘s work is multidisciplinary, he is a tap dancer, an artist, and a writer. His current work examines generational differences between the upbringing of his ancestors, traditions he has learned and upholds and that of the world he resides in. He center’s his work around his experiences as a trans person of color, many of his pieces of work are part of a larger show he is currently working on.
Cosmos1Annie Danger is no joke. Rather, the joke is: it’s not a joke. Annie was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM and has been making hilarious, weird, political theater since her move to the SF Bay Area in 1999. She is a loud and proud trans woman, strong woman, dork and geek, with her sights set on rebraiding fun, emotion intelligence, and radical political activism. Her solo show It’s That Easy! With Terry VanWeen!, a personal empowerment seminar for the revolution, will be taking place at Dixon Place Lounge on the 11th of October at 7:30pm.

IMG_3584Caitlin Rose Sweet explores the intersections between craft, queerness, and pop culture to position queerness as a site for incessant transformation and possibilities. Her playful work resists assimilation and mastery through an intentional disinvestment in finished work and proper use of materials. Sweet has shown internationally from Portland Or, to San Francisco Bay Area, New York City and Berlin. This includes such exhibitions as Mix 26 (NY 2013), Craftivism (NY 2013), Invisible Landscapes (PDX 2014), and Words as Objects(PDX 2014). She has also curated for the National Queer Arts Festival, co-producing Best Revenge 2012 and Deep Lez Potluck and Performance Night 2009. Sweet received her MFA in Applied Craft and Design from PNCA/OCAC in 2014 and is located in Brooklyn.

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