Opentoe Peepshow #7 on May 5!

Sunday May 5 at 8pm, come to Branded Saloon [in Brooklyn at 603 Vanderbilt Ave, 11238] to see new art work by: Tennessee Jones, Amber Dawn, Nicole Myles, Zavé Martohardjono & Prof. Katia Perea!

on facebook? the event is here.

TennesseeJonesimageTennessee Jones is the author of the Lambda Literary Award nominated collection Deliver Me From Nowhere, a “cover” of Bruce Springsteen’s Nebraska. He is the recipient of awards from the Jacob K. Javits Foundation, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, Phillips Exeter Academy and Hunter College, where he received his MFA in Fiction in 2010. His short fiction has appeared in various journals and anthologies. His current novel in progress is about generational trauma in an Appalachian town notorious for two brutal incidents: the hanging of an elephant and the expulsion of its entire black population. He grew up in the hollers of East Tennessee and currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.

ZaveZavé Martohardjono is a Brooklyn-based artist working in performance, movement, video, and text.

He has had the pleasure of performing for Lawrence Weiner, Mariangela Lopez/Accidental Movement, Ximena Garnica, Vanessa Anspaugh, and devynn emory.

He has collaborated in queer and trans collectives Theater Transgression, Into the Neon, and worked with MIX NYC. His videos and performances have shown in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Montréal, Berlin, London, Zurich, Amsterdam, and Jakarta. This reading is a continuation of his autogeography series that reconfigures classical Indonesian mythology into loosely autobiographical storytelling. He is thrilled to be joined by collaborating artists Mieke D. & Nyx.
photo by Eli Brown


AmberDawn_2012Amber Dawn is a writer from Vancouver, Canada. Author of Lambda Award-winning novel Sub Rosa, and editor of the anthologies Fist of the Spider Women: Fear and Queer Desire and With A Rough Tongue: Femmes Write Porn.

Until August 2012, she was director of programming for the Vancouver Queer Film Festival. Amber Dawn was 2012 winner of the Writers’ Trust of Canada Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBT writers. She currently teaches Speculative Fiction writing at Douglas College.


NMyles_nmyles-0324-webNicole Myles is a photographer currently living in Brooklyn.






bio.pic.peepshowProf. Katia Perea lives in Brooklyn and spends her spare time placing toys in odd public locations; a form of 3D graffiti. She is a serious cartoon fan and has a PhD in Sociology from the New School specialized in popular culture and television cartoons. She is currently working on her book “Girl Cartoons” and will be presenting at BronyCon 2013. She is thrilled to be at Opentoe Peepshow!

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