Heels on Wheels is compiling an anthology!
We are proud to compile and share writing and images by the diverse, queer femme-led crew of people we have performed or worked with at the 60+ shows we’ve produced in our five years of creating queer community programming led by and for femmes of all kinds.
If you have ever performed or worked with Heels on Wheels on any of our events, anytime from March 2010 — Fall 2014, you are eligible to submit to this anthology — please do!
The work you submit can be:
- Images. Photos, drawings, collages. You may submit up to four. Note they will be printed in black & white.
- Writing. 500-2500 words [2-10 pages] in .doc, .docx, .txt., .rtf, .odt format. We are open to performance texts, poem, fiction, narrative pieces, creative non-fiction, lists, academic writing about queer performance, critical analysis, etc.
- The work you submit does not need to be “about femme,” but it can be. We want work that is high-quality, speaks your truth in whatever way you do that best, and about which you are excited to share.
***Deadline is December 1, 2014***
1. Email your work with the title in the email subject line to: writing@heelsonwheelsroadshow.com
2. Let us know you sent writing by filling this out: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kqEGpxKtKqk1XJXBFGKujKWBakD_N1MCb6W2KH3-QiY/viewform
We will be reviewing all entries Fall 2014. Thank you!
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