Heels on Wheels is so excited to co-sponsor and co-organize this event:
Beyond Visibility: Illuminating and Aligning Femmes in NYCÂ is a day-long event for LGBTQQI2 folks on self-identified femme/inine spectrums to come together in conversation, coalition, and celebration of *all* the parts of ourselves and our many communities. Events are taking place in NYC, Toronto, Philadelphia, San Francisco, London, Los Angeles, and beyond.
The NYC extravaganza celebrating femme/inine queer accomplishment includes:
– a Brunch Skillshare Salon
– a Community Discussion with Breakout groups, and
– a Literary event
all at Judson Memorial Church — all-ages, Assembly Hall at 239 Thompson Street, NY, NY.
In the evening there is a Cabaret and Dance party at Public Assembly [21+, 70 N 6th St  Brooklyn, NY].
A toolkit of ideas for femmes in other towns to hostess their own femme gatherings are here:
On Sunday January 15 from Noon-2p, femme/inine folks are invited to enjoy a Brunch and Skillshare Salon. At 2:30p join a Community Discussion moved along via transformative facilitation, where everyone will have the opportunity to contribute their needs, desires, and celebrations. This will be followed by break-out groups to continue engaging in intersectional topics such as Safety, Pride & Shame, Truth-telling, Health and more. From 5-6:30p, take a dinner break and participate in documentation including a zine table, blogging station and photo booth!
Because Beyond Visibility aims to create and hold femme/inine queer space to ally with and learn from each other, and to discuss ways to align organizing and organizations to ensure that femme communities grow as intersectional sites of gender justice, the brunch, discussion and break-out groups are free, intentionally safer-spaces, and for only femme-spectrum people of all ages, genders, and abilities.
An additional function of Beyond Visibility is to illuminate the cultural, political and artistic work of participating individuals and groups, and so all are welcomed to the two cultural events taking place. At 7pm at Judson Church, join us for a Literary Salon including Kate Bornstein, Trina Rose, Cristy Road, Nath Ann Carrera, Dondrie Burnham, Alejandro Rodriguez and more. This event is $2-$10.
Starting at 10pm, head over to Brooklyn and the Cabaret/Dance Party where Hana Malia & Glenn Marla bring biting performance art, Serpentina of the Coney Island Side Show makes sparks fly, musical stylings from Jazzmen Lee-Johnson & new work by Sassafras Lowery! DJ’s Shomi Noise and Nolita spin fierce femme tunes all night! Allies welcome to attend & dance the night away with us! This event is $5-$12.
This event is co-produced by 20 local organizers and is partnered with the bi-annual Femme Conference [www.femme2012.com/]. Beyond Visibility takes place the day the Conference releases its 2012 call for performers and workshops, and aims to generate conversations that grow local community as well as resonate into the Conference, which is taking place in Baltimore August 17-19, 2012. Co-sponsoring organization include the Heels on Wheels Roadshow [www.heelsonwheelsroadshow.com], NYC’s own glittery performance art queer femme tour, Feminist Press [www.feministpress.org/], and QUORUM Forum [http://quorumnyc.org/].
For more information on the NYC event, please visit:Â www.beyondvisibility.femme2012.com/
Or find the event on Facebook:Â http://www.facebook.com/beyondvisibility