Wanna see us?
Instagram: http://instagram.com/howroadshow
Picasa Galleries: https://picasaweb.google.com/110618032876726544743
YouTube: Opentoe Peepshow || Glitter Roadshow
Tour 2014! Click the photo to open the gallery

Our most recent retreat, February 2014, is below!
with a dazzling cabaret of performance art works by queer folks on femme/inine spectrum genders. The tour consists of five performers and our femme roadie, always includes local acts, and travels in a van full of magic, living the dream via live performance, local discussions, and guerilla political interventions as we go! The tour features dazzling troublemakers — Our calendar is here!
By actively complicating what it “looks like” to represent femininity, dandyness, fey, femme and queer lady, and so confronting misogyny and sexism, the Heelz are on a feminist agenda that uses cultural works to sabotage the hegemonic status quo of gender, sexuality, and appearance and replace it with many visions and ideas of what thriving and surviving as femme folks can be.

Heels on Wheels presents a monthly Opentoe Peepshow in Brooklyn and tours the Glitter Roadshow annually — come see our shows in person!
Please pre-buy tickets and merch by donating to our kickstarter, help by putting us in touch with friends, places to stay, college or university student organizations who could be a good match … and come out to the show!
All kinds of femmes are invited to the Heels on Wheels party, and the troupe works from an active anti-oppression, intersectional focus, both in who is touring and what they’re doing onstage. The tour includes working class and poor folks, sex workers, immigrants, QPOC, mixed race folks, genderqueer and GNC folks, survivors and, most importantly, fiercely political feminist artists whose work weaves punk herstories, ineluctable facts, and wild costuming into escape artistry.
Our fearless performers rampage across the femme-inine spectrum-from hi-femme to femmedrogyny, dandy darling to ladybeast — serving up poetic theatre, silly buggery, dark whimsical puppetry, and rocknroll you can sink your heels into! Stillettos fly and fairytales fracture as we travel through space, time, and stardust.