Geppetta is the performance moniker of Adelaide Windsome, a L.A. based multimedia fabulist. artist, and organizer. Windsome utilizes dark & whimsical fairy tales to confront themes of trauma and grief, depression and suicide, and the beauty of survival. Her work as been described as “cryptic vaudevillian surrealism” on bitchmedia’s SM{ART} and as “somewhere between Kate Bornstein and Edward Gorey” by Julia Serano, author of Whipping Girl.
Windsome has been featured nationally with Fresh Meat Productions, Tranny Roadshow, Puppet Uprising, and Painted Bride Art Center, among others. She has facilitated workshops on gender, art, and activism at various colleges and universities including Western Washington, James Madison, and Harvard Law.
Above all else she believes in embracing melancholy with magical.
See more of her work at Stitching Tentacles Productions: http://stitchingtentacles.com |Â Workshop Info. This is Geppetta’s third Heels on Wheels Roadshow.