Liberation magic, anti-capitalist robots, Medusa-themed puppet theatre, riot grrl dance parties, and the story of stardust accompany the journey of six queer artists and activists touring from Brooklyn through the Midwestern U.S. this April. You’re invited to enjoy the spectacle as these dazzling troublemakers create a world of radical extravagance and thought-provoking glamour. Heels on Wheels Roadshow is a queer performance art cabaret hitting the road April 15-25, 2011, in search of new friends, fantastic adventures and siblings in the struggle.
We are New York City-based multi-disciplinary performing queer artists & activists who work professionally in a variety of media including theatre and performance, film/video, literature, music, print and web media, healing arts and community organizing. Our fearless performers rampage across the femme-inine spectrum serving up poetic theatre, silly buggery, dark whimsical puppetry, and rocknroll you can sink your heels into! Stillettos fly, vaginas sing, and fairytales fracture as we travel through space, time, and stardust. The 2011 Tour features dazzling troublemakers Heather Acs, Damien Luxe, Shomi Noise, Geppetta, and Amanda Cheong.