DAMIEN LUXE a/k/a Hadassah D’Luxe, is a Brooklyn-based queer femme liberationist artist, lifelong writer, multi-media producer, community organizer and media justice activist who has been performing theatre and music at cabarets, festivals and literary events all over the continent since 2003 and producing digital communications for artists and activists since 2005.
D’Luxe’s performance work blurs lines between bodies and beings, identity and representation, science and spirit, and her recent pieces include Femmes Fight Back, the Hot Pink Mass, and a Homorobics performance. She is a co-producer of the annual Heels on Wheels Glitter Roadshow. She’s produced three CDs, and her music videos have shown internationally. She has been published in Femmethology, Without A Net and Geeks, Misfits and Outlaws, and has a novel in progress.
Damien also volunteers as an activist & community organizer with sex workers’ rights, media justice, transformative justice and gender justice movements. She donates media work to non-funded activist organizations, was co-founder of the New York City Femme Family and is on the steering committee of the Femme Collective who produces the biannual Femme Conference. Her workshops accessibly teach no- and low-cost strategies for web and audio production.
Lastly, Damien is a graduate student at the CUNY Graduate Center, working towards a Master’s [Mistresses?] degree in American Studies, focusing on digital, political artists.
One of her art websites is axondluxe.com | her blog is femmetech.org | contact her if anything seems awry with this site! This is her fourth year with the Roadshow.